Fort Sumter and Moultrie Virtual Tour

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Virtual Tour of Fort Sumter National Monument With Ranger Fletcher»

View the 4-minute NPS video here to step back in time to Fort Sumter in South Carolina, where the Civil War began.

Fort Sumter was built after the war of 1812 to protect Charleston Harbor. The construction began in 1829 but wasn’t yet finished when South Carolina seceded from the union in December of 1860. In April of 1861, Confederate forces fired on the Union soldiers occupying the fort, forcing their surrender in the first battle of the American Civil War.2010_0405(007)-Edit

Fort Moultrie Visitor Center Video»

Nearby Fort Moultrie is also part of the Fort Sumter National Monument. Embedded below is the 22 minute video shown in the visitor center. It tells the story of the forts from the Revolutionary War through WWII.

Fort Sumter Posts:

Location: 340 Concord Street, Liberty Square, Charleston, South Carolina

Designation: National Monument

Date designated or established: 4/28/1948

Date of my visit: April 2, 2010
