Wailuku River State Park: Rainbow Falls


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When we got back to the pier from our Volcanoes National Park excursion, we took a cab to Rainbow Falls in Wailuku River State Park in Hilo on the big island of Hawaii. Rainbows can often be seen arching across the falls in the morning.


We arrived at midday, so no rainbows for us, but the lush foliage and rushing falls were still a sight to see. And being there after peak rainbow time meant we missed the tour bus crowds.


Rainbow Falls is called Waiānuenue in Hawaiian, which means ‘rainbow seen in water.’ The 80 foot falls flow over a lava cave, said to be the home of Hina, mother of the demigod Maui.


We viewed the falls from the walkway down below and then climbed the stairs through the tropical vegetation for a different view. There is another area of Wailuku State Park called the Boiling Pots, but we missed it this trip.


Hilo Posts:


Location: Rainbow Drive, Hilo, HI 96720

Designation: State Park

Date of my visit: April 16, 2019



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